Ethan and Gemma

Ethan and Gemma

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

29 Weeks (ish)

Yesterday, I had a regular doctor's appointment/follow up after my illness. They had me at 29 weeks 1 day yesterday (I just go with whatever they tell me, because they have gotten me so confused with their strange little calculations.) I also had to do a gestational diabetes screening test. Instead of doing the full test, my doctor's office does some sort of abbreviated version of it. Apparently this method has a very high failure rate, and a large percentage of the women end up having to then go take the full three hour test anyway. Sadly, I fell into this category. My iron was supposed to be 11. Mine was 10.5. My sugar was supposed to be 135 or less. Mine was 139. I was close enough that they don't think I actually have a problem, but since I wasn't actually in the range, I still have to take the longer test. Which means I have to set aside 3-4 hours one morning, fast for 8 hours prior, and go sit at Lab Corp or somewhere for many hours and drink some more nasty glucola. Oh well. I wish they would have just done this in the first place, but whatever. (Also, who does a blood sugar test at 2 in the afternoon?) I am not concerned about the results, since I was so close to being in range anyway, and also since I had had nothing but jello and fruit juice for a week prior, due to being sick.

Anyway. . .the rest of the appointment was good. I measured 27 cm., which is under, but still in range for 29 weeks. The baby's heartbeat was strong in the 150's as usual, and of course, the doctor had to hunt her down because she kept moving. Now that I am moving into the third trimester, I will start going for appointments every two weeks. I will be seeing a different doctor the next few times, as my own doctor is going on maternity leave herself.

Excepting the failed glucose test (which I am sure will turn out fine with a more legitimate test), everything was looking great. I posted a picture of my 29 1/2 week tummy above (which I feel like is just ginormous). We are getting closer to the little one's arrival!

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

It is very common to fail the 1 hour test. Just so you know, i usually tell my patients to fast for several hours ahead of time , even though supposedly you don't have to. it just seems to work better.

You look so cute! Glad things are going well.