Ethan and Gemma

Ethan and Gemma

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Don't say "Formula" in front of Gemma. . .

she might just throw up on you!

Last night, we tried feeding Gemma a bottle of the new soy formula. It did not go so well. Actually, it did not go at all. She got one little taste of it and scrunched up her face and spit it out. We tried again and she scrunched up her face some more. We finally gave up when she made herself gag so much that she threw up on Cy. Apparently she is REALLY not a fan. Not sure what we are going to do. The pediatrician suggested mixing a bottle with half breastmilk and half formula if she didn't respond well to the formula. I am going to try it, however, I am not very hopeful. With that strong of a reaction, I'm guessing she's going to be really aware that I'm trying to trick her and I don't think she'll buy it!

The whole thing was pretty weird. (And pretty hilarious because of the look on her face, until she started gagging.) The other day when I gave her the regular formula, she scrunched up her face at first but eventually ate 2 oz. She just then broke out in hives. Apparently the soy formula tastes pretty nasty. I'm not surprised - I smelled it and it certainly didn't smell like anything I'd want to eat! So we will see how it goes, but right now I'm kind of feeling like I might be doomed to struggle through with the breastmilk until she is about a year old.

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

So sorry you are having such a time! I just want to encourage you. She'll get the hang of it eventually.