Ethan and Gemma

Ethan and Gemma

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy Falker Satherhood!

10 points if you get the reference in the title. This blog post is about Cy's first Father's Day. For the past few weeks, Cy has been making me promise that I wouldn't get him a present for Father's Day. He felt bad because he didn't get me anything for Mother's Day. I kept pointing out to him that Gemma was born the Friday right before Mother's Day and that we didn't even get to leave the hospital until about 2 pm on Mother's Day, and that since he stayed in the hospital with us the whole time, there wasn't really an opportunity, but he still felt bad. So I promised that I wouldn't give him anything for Father's Day. I never promised that Gemma wouldn't get him anything. :)So, all by herself (ha!), Gemma picked out a digital photo frame for her daddy to keep on his desk at work. Then she got him an SD card and loaded it up with the many hundreds of pictures we have taken of her.

She also drew him this cute little card with a daddy, mommy, and baby giraffe that match the giraffes in her room. (Notice the baby giraffe has a mohawk just like Gemma's.) She is one talented six-week old!

We went to church, and Gemma wore this cute little yellow dress with the cupcakes on it (I am so excited that she is finally fitting in some of her 0-3 month stuff, since she has so many cute things).
Church went really well until Gemma decided she was hungry. We took her out to feed her, and she ate really well. Then all of a sudden, after she finished eating, there was a surprising (and frightening) projectile vomiting incident. We cleaned up Gemma, Cy, and the floor of the room at the church, rounded up my sister (who was here visiting this past week), and took off. It was very weird, because she has been fine since then, so we're not really sure what caused the incident. It might be awhile before we try church again though. We have only been twice since she was born, and she just can't make it that long. We missed the entire sermon both times.

After church, we drove to Florence to meet my parents and drop my sister off with them. We got to share a Father's Day meal with them at Cracker Barrel. Gemma did really well on her first road trip - she slept most of the way and didn't start fussing at all until we had already gotten off on our exit back in Charleston.

Long story short, I think Cy enjoyed his first Father's Day. I know that Gemma already loves her daddy so much and that he is the best dad ever!

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