Ethan and Gemma

Ethan and Gemma

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Another Good Report

Just wanted to post an update - we went to the ob/gyn for my monthly checkup this morning and everything was great. They said my weight was good, we talked through a few questions as well as some future plans, and then we got to hear the baby's heartbeat - loud and strong in the 150's! We were also excited to find out that we get to have the next ultrasound and find out if it's a boy or a girl sooner than we thought! We didn't think that it would be until after Christmas because of the holiday, but they have me scheduled for Friday, Dec. 18. That will be a nice early Christmas present! :)

In other news, Cy is doing much better these days. For anyone who hasn't heard (again, not that I think the readership of this blog is terribly extensive), he had a scary episode last Wednesday where he passed out at work (for reasons unknown) and fell and hit his head on a cubicle wall. We spent about 6 hours in the ER while they ran all kinds of tests, but they didn't find anything, which is good and bad. Good, because there's nothing obviously wrong. But bad, because we still don't know what caused it and we are just hoping it won't happen again. After that, he has been suffering from concussion symptoms ever since. It has been a rough week for us but he finally seems to be making some progress toward getting better.

And in yet other news, we are excited about Rachel coming tomorrow to stay for the weekend. We have a weekend of Twilight-filled fun planned. We are going to watch Twilight, then go see New Moon on Saturday. (I am sure we will manage to squeeze in a trip to Joe Pasta and Cupcake as well.)

And now for other, less exciting updates. School is nearing to a close. Both my Tuesday and my Wednesday class meet only once more each (first week of December). Unfortunately, I have my Monday night class 3 more times, plus a 4th time to take the final exam. Other than that, I just have to churn out two 15 page term papers (I have yet to write a single word) and a 30 page bibliography project (at least I have rounded up the 100+ sources needed for that - they finally cut me off at the library the other day and said I couldn't have any more books until I brought some back!). Needless to say, I absolutely cannot wait to be completely finished.

As for NaNoWriMo, it is going okay. . .not as great as years past. I have just been too busy spending all my days working on school projects, and then I'm just too exhausted by the time I get home from class at night. At only 23,000 words as of right now, I am lagging behind, but still in the running. I am planning to catch up some this week, and maybe even get ahead next week when I have a break from school.

All right, I have bored everyone (all one or two of my readers) enough with my less than exciting life. On December 18, I will have much more exciting news to post (as well as pictures)!

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