Ethan and Gemma

Ethan and Gemma

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why Come We Did Carve These Pumpakins?

Well it is that time of year again. Time for pumpkin guts and crazy costumes. For the first time in a long time, we did not do the matching costume thing this year. Mostly because we have run out of ideas by now. We did finally carve pumpkins last night, though, and opted once again for something a little less. . .involved. . .than our spectacular Pirates of the Caribbean pumpkins from a couple years back.

Cy bravely scooped his own pumpkin guts even though he hated every second of it.

Cy's pumpkin was a funny smiley face. I told him that the crooked smile reminded me of his crooked smile. The resemblance is uncanny! Mine was supposed to be a vampire. It looked really cool on the paper, and it was much harder to carve than I was hoping for, but when I turned out the lights, it looked pretty stupid, so I was disappointed. To me, it looked more like Strong Bad or Magneto or some sort of weird owl (not a deer/owl) than a vampire. Oh well.

There was also this really weird picture where the pumpkins looked spooky and possessed. . .I snapped the picture, thought the camera was done, then put it down. When I heard it click a few seconds later, I realized it was still doing its thing. The result? Evil demon pumpkins with flames shooting out the tops!!! Ahh!!!

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