Ethan and Gemma

Ethan and Gemma

Monday, November 1, 2010

Gemma's First Halloween

Yesterday we celebrated Gemma's first Halloween. Being only six months old, she of course really had no idea what was going on, but Cy and I had fun. We finally got around to carving our pumpkins. Cy carved a creepy scarecrow on his, mine was a pumpkin in disguise, and Cy carved a cute little cat on Gemma's baby-sized pumpkin. (We like to say that Gemma is like a little cat because she likes to use our couch as a scratching post. Also, she likes to lick stuff like a cat.)

When it was time for trick-or-treating, we suited Gemma up in her strawberry costume and headed out to the porch. She was very sweet and cooperative and didn't seem to mind the costume at all, even the hat. And she looked soooooooo cute!!! All the moms of trick-or-treaters kept running up to see Gemma and just exclaiming over how cute she looked.

In the past couple of years, we have always bought way too much candy and had very few trick-or-treaters. I think it is because we live so far back in the neighborhood that not too many people bother walking back to where our house is. This year, someone across the street had tons of friends visiting from other neighborhoods, so we ran out of candy in about 20 minutes as I had only bought 1 bag this time. Oh well. We still had fun seeing a few kiddos in costumes (none as cute as Gemma of course).

So yes, Gemma's first Halloween was more for us than for her, but hey, she looked cute and we had a good time. Can't wait until next year when she is more aware - how much fun will that be?!

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