Ethan and Gemma

Ethan and Gemma

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

25 Weeks. . .and counting!

I went to the doctor on Monday for my monthly checkup. They had me right at 25 weeks and I was measuring right on target. Everything else was great at the checkup. The funniest part was when the doctor tried to find the baby's heartbeat. She initially found it right away, then there was lots of static and it went away. The doctor explained that the baby had just moved. So she moved the wand and found the heartbeat again, and then there was a bunch more static and the baby ran off again. After a few times, the doctor declared, "I will chase you down!" and did eventually get her long enough to get a good reading.

I crack up because every time I'm in the doctor's office, one of the doctors or the nurses is always telling me, "Wow, she's really active" as if I don't already know this. . . especially since baby's favorite time to wiggle and frolic and turn somersaults and kick is anytime I am trying to sleep! I am not complaining though. . .I am very happy to have an active baby in there. I rarely have a chance to doubt her well-being since she moves around constantly.

Anyway. . .things are going great and I am almost into the third trimester. I go back to the doctor on Feb. 16 for my glucose screening, and then after that, I will start going every two weeks since it will be getting close to the big day!

I finally got around to getting a belly shot to put up here (this is for my family, who are having a hard time being 4 hours away while awaiting the first grandbaby). I feel super huge already but people keep telling me I'm still pretty small. I'm just trying to stay active as much as I can and trying not to stress about the weight gain. I'm just trying to do what's healthy for the little girl and once she arrives, I can worry about me later. :)

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

You look great!!

I still haven't really taken any good belly shots. I guess I should start soon.