Ethan and Gemma

Ethan and Gemma

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Two Week Checkup

Yesterday morning we took Gemma to the pediatrician for her two-week checkup. She will not be two weeks old until Friday, but our pediatrician is leaving today for 2.5 weeks on a medical missions trip to Uganda so he wanted to see her before he left.

She was doing great at her checkup. Her head had grown slightly, she possibly had grown in length a bit (it was unclear), and she was back up to her birth weight of 7 lbs. 5 oz. Actually, she was closer to 7 lbs. 6 oz. The doctor was really impressed because just last week she had been down to 6 lbs. 10 oz. so she gained a lot of weight back in just a short amount of time. She is no longer yellow either, which is great. When we took her in 3 days after birth, they were concerned a bit about jaundice. For two days in a row, we had to take her to a lab to have her heel pricked to test her bilirubin levels (this was also what took us so long getting home from the hospital the day we came home - we had to wait on the results of one of these tests). On the first day, the number was still climbing, but by the second day, it had dropped. So we were glad to hear that we wouldn't have to put her through those tests anymore and that there was no more risk for jaundice.

The doctor said she was doing great and was really healthy. It was very reassuring to hear. I have worried a bit off and on about whether she is getting enough to eat since I am nursing her (although I haven't worried too much since the sheer amount of dirty diapers would indicate that she is extremely well fed!) so this was good to hear. As long as she stays healthy, we don't have to go back to the pediatrician until July!

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