Ethan and Gemma

Ethan and Gemma

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Some Interesting Things That I Saw At Jennifer's Wedding

And these are only the ones I was able to get pictures of (like, for example, I don't have a picture of the Amy Winehouse-looking chick with the tattoo that went all the way around her stomach right above her bikini bottom. But such is life).
Exhibit A: I call this "Man with Metal Detector"

Exhibit B: Family Posing for Family Picture (apparently with professional photographer) on Random Old Washed-Up Boat Directly Behind the Wedding Party

Exhibit C: Cowboy Wedding Guest (you can't tell very well from the picture, but he's wearing not just a cowboy hat, but a vest, jeans, and cowboy boots)

Exhibit D: Man in Full Hockey Gear With Surfboards

Exhibit E: Bear with Coconut Bra

Exhibit F: Cy with Bear with Coconut Bra and Bubbles

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