Ethan and Gemma

Ethan and Gemma

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Flack Attack

Last week, my roomie from college, Laura, her husband Michael, and sweet little daughter Lucy were vacationing at Litchfield Beach, and drove down to Charleston one night to meet us for dinner. We hadn't seen Lucy since she was about the age Gemma is now, and Michael and Laura hadn't gotten to meet little Gemma yet at all! We met up at Vickery's on Shem Creek for some yummy food and some hanging out time.

Lucy was so much fun - she was "dancing" in her high chair the whole way through dinner. It was so cute! After we ate, we took the girls outside on the porch that overlooks the creek. Lucy had a great time running and crawling around out there. Gemma behaved in typical Gemma fashion and just chilled and looked around a lot, taking everything in.

It was soooo great to catch up with the Flack family - we miss them so much and don't get to see them nearly often enough! And Lucy was so sweet with Gemma - she even gave her a kiss!

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