Ethan and Gemma

Ethan and Gemma

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Testing 1, 2, 3

Okay, so everyone else has a blog so we figured we might as well do one too. I would say don't expect much because we have zero free time right now, but work can get kind of boring sometimes, so. . .there may be a new blog post every five minutes on some of those days. But hooray, here's our blog, yea for us, we're the Super Coolest of the Shealys, enjoy this glimpse of our glamorous lifestyle. Ha.

1 comment:

Rachel Lynn said...

Coolest of the Shealy's? You wish!!! Rachel B-Rown is WAY Kooler than you can ever be! After all, I did see Tyler Hansbrough play in the Dean Dome in Apple Chill, North Carolina, and i dressed up as him for Halloween!!! Beat dat!!!! i looked on Wes and Kelly's blog, and Noah has gotten SOOO Big!!! Give him a BIG kiss for me at Thanksgiving!!! I love you both bunches!!!
P.S. your blog is crack-a-lackin