Ta dah! On today's long-awaited blog post, we will unveil the results of our first real home improvement project (for which all props go to Cy). A little bit of back story: so a month or so ago, we were strolling through Target in search of picture frames, and we saw these really gorgeous purple fabric-painting-things (not sure what to call them). They were marked way down on clearance, and since our walls are sadly devoid of art, we thought, hey why not, we can certainly find somewhere to put these. So we bought several of them. We got them home and Cy (stepping way outside of his box of crayons where there exists only earth tones) says, "What if we painted the walls of the guest bedroom the lighter shade of purple to match the paintings?" So he went to Home Depot, got them to match the color on the painting, and painted the room. Then he had another great idea: take one of the old yellow dressers Frank was currently using in the garage to store his tools, paint it another shade of purple, and fix it up to go in the room.
Honestly, we figured there was no way it would ever come together. But somehow it did! And we are so proud of the result!!! And regardless of how modest Cy is about it, he's pretty much responsible for the whole thing. And it looks fabulous!!!